Tuesday, 16 June 2020

What 10 Things Would You Take to Space?


  1. Hi Room 4, we love your space rockets. Are you planning a trip to space? If we went to space we would take an air tank, a space suit, food, water, a flag, a sleeping bag, workout supplies, a rope to tie us to the spaceship if we go outside so we don't float away, some company and some anti-alien spray.
    From Room 10 at Otaki School

  2. Thank you Room 10, all of your ideas are very helpful. We are really interested in the anti-alien spray. We have some questions about anti-alien spray.
    What does it smell like? Nilah
    What does anti mean? Viliami
    Where did you get the anti-alien spray from? Poi
    What is the anti-alien spray made from? Bronson

    Thank you from Room 4

  3. Kia ora room 4. I really like your answer for that question. I would take the same thing. What else will you take to space?

  4. Kia ora room 4 do good work and keep it up stay safe and have a good day
